The middle window produced solid sniping action, but other than that, I found no reason to like the map. Each side has a two-story building with a window on the middle wall and side wall. The problem is, the game flow is absolutely awful. Located at a nuclear power plant in Pakistan, Meltdown is a supposedly action-packed map that offers a three-lane avenue and exciting objectives. Here is my Black Ops II multiplayer map rankings, counting down to the best: So, me being the COD nerd that I am, I decided to make my own list (excluding all DLC maps other than Nuketown 2025). However, there is not much of anything in the way of map rankings. A quick search on YouTube can provide you with many perspectives on the game's best guns, sorted by class, game mode compatibility, and so on. Just about everything in multiplayer was great, from the weapons to the maps. It was the first COD game I played online, and the multiplayer was awesome. The 9th of 13 main canon games in the Call of Duty franchise, Black Ops II is considered by many in the COD community to be the best installment from the multiplayer standpoint. When I checked my stack of PS3 games underneath the NCAA Football 14 case, I saw the game that I gave more time to than any other video game during high school: Black Ops II. I spent a lot of time diving into a new Dynasty mode in NCAA Football 14 (if there is any game I would give anything to have, it would be the next NCAA Football game.looks like I'm going to be waiting for a while). This past week, I set up my PS3 and decided to take a trip down memory lane.