Improved saves support for STALKER: Anomaly. Improved basic support for Darkest Dungeon (saves display, archive checking). Use the Skyrim Special Edition plugin for the Nexus version of EnderalSE and enable downloads for Enderal SE in the plugin settings. Add full support for Enderal Special Edition (Steam version only). Pulled in fixes to the Paper Automata theme by 6788. Fixed downloading files that contain invalid Windows characters. Fixed "." and "." showing up as files in the mod installer. Reduced the log severity of a couple harmless failures (thanks, foresto!).
Fixed crash when opening mod information dialog for a mod that has been filtered out. Fixed "select" button in the profiles dialog not selecting a profile.
USVFS: Fixed problems seen by those with Windows builds 21313 and up (only currently available with Windows Insider). Added dialogs and logs informing users that Microsoft Store and Gamepass games are not supported by Mod Organizer. Added ".ini" as a valid file extension for Bethesda game files. Added drop-down to "Visit Nexus" toolbar icon when multiple game downloads are supported. Added basic support for Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (thanks, EzioTheDeadPoet!). Added basic support for Divinity: Original Sin (Enhanced Edition and Classic). Needed for the virtual filesystem support (for mods/projects in separate folders) VSCode Skyrim SE Papyrus Project Template Sync Plugins with Mod Order - Mod Organizer 2 Plugin Splash Screens and Desktop Icon for Mod Organizer 2 Patches for nerad137's Minimalistic Modding Guide New Transparent Skyrim Stylesheet for Mod Organizer 2 (MO2) Mod Organizer Categories for STEP SE Guide (Mod Picker) Mod Organizer 2 Splash Screen - Intro Title Style This should work with any recent version of Mod Organizer (and may even work with MO1 if you want to delete non-SE co-saves) Mod Organizer - Orphaned script extender save deleter plugin Manage Plugins between zEDIT and Mod Organizer 2
Lotuses MO Separators for Fresh Installs and Mod Guides You must have Mod Organizer 2 or higher installed on your system to use this file. Brasil 200 anos de Independencia Mod Organizer 2Ĭinematic NextGen 2020 Reshade for low end PcĬmdrspockncc1701's Categories File for Mod Organizer 2